Sunday, September 5, 2010

This is final :))

Finally,we all have completed the final website after all the rough time we've been through.This final project have brought us together to appreciate the true value of friendship and respect of each other. The more we argued, the closer we are at the end of the day.

This project also has consumed a lot of our time and effort to make this research a success. I personally think that this final website maybe is not as great as the other team's website,but at least we have tried our best in giving out all we can.And yes,this is the result that we got. i guess all hard work has paid off ! :)

During the learning progress under digital media,i we have learned a lot of thing such as Photoshop, Dreamweaver and also adobe flash. i found it hard at first. But as time goes by,towards the end, i have to admit that i found it somehow interesting. all the software that i have mentioned above are actually an easy tool to be used and to be understand. :)

Thanks to Mr.Dr Neo Tse Kian for his online module on GUI. it help us a lot in completing the task.

the end. :)


Overall flow chart.

As shown below,this is our overall flow chart on our group website for the final project:

On the main page of the website,which is 'Home', there will be several links on top of the page such as 'where to go','where to eat','what to do','where to stay' and also 'zoom in Sabah'. By clicking on all this subtopic, users will then be directed to each of the subtopic's homepage.
The interface that have been chosen is simple enough as our main target is to guide the users in finding all the information on the state of Sabah with just 'one click'. :))


Zoom In Sabah


A video clip on Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park location, diving activity, underwater photography and beautiful sea creatures.


Where to stay.


Where to stay in Sabah. Being divided into 4 categories to choose from. Ranging from high end resorts to budget hotel suiting everyones needs.

  1. Island Resort - A couple of island view, located resorts with general information.
  2. Bed & Breakfast - Modest, comfortable rooms.
  3. Apartment & Condominium - Affordable apartments to awesome sea view condominium
  4. Budget Hotel - Several place to stay for those on a budget or not willing to fork out thousands on just a good nights rest.
All of which comes with detailed information on the hotel or apartment such as address, phone and fax number, email and website for convenience.


The interface on where to stay in Sabah while pictures of places are also provided for viewers.
Hisham Ali Al Fadhl

What to eat.


The third link would be what to eat in Sabah. We've diversified the menu according to the favourites.
  1. Sabah Seafood - For first timers in the 'land below the wind', they would be recommended to try a certain delicacy which is available at most shops. Not forgetting the fresh seafood.
  2. Sabah Snack - Snacks that are made mainly for the Sabah market but shipped to the peninsular due to the increased interest shown.
  3. Local Sabah Favourite - The most popular dishes in town.


The interface of What to eat --> Sabah Snack

yousef khaled

Where to go.

From the homepage, the first link visible would be 'where to go' in which contains 5 links on the top 5 places to go in Sabah.

  1. Kinabalu Mountain - A little of the history and some tips are given here.
  2. National Park - Guides on several interesting areas in the park, their prices for locals and foreigners , also on how to get there and the essential items needed.
  3. Island - The two most famous islands in Sabah, Sipadan and Mabul island and activities to do.
  4. Beach - The beaches in Sabah in a detailed manner.
  5. Finally, Market & Shopping - range from fresh vegetables to handicrafts including the details on how to get there, the opening hours and some background.

The page on where to go in Sabah.
We focused on the picture of Mount Kinabalu's spectacular view.



Thapelo M Mpotokwane 1071117569

Individual link description
The section that i did was the link on "what to do" where i explained the main tourist attractions of sabah and what we can do when we are there

to expose Sabah to tourism and enlighten them to activities and places that are available to them in the island of Sabah.
Design of GUI
i added a total of 14 images distributed among the 4 links that i made inclusive in the website.There are 4 buttons that are with in the website but the flash button was not included.

